Monday, April 25, 2011

alright, alright

I've been bored with blogging for a while now. Maybe a year, maybe a little less, I don't really remember any more. After approximately six years of writing about what's going on in my daily life, I don't have a lot of novel things to say. And I'm pretty sure you've noticed too. I did this, I did that, blah, blah, blah.

A few years ago, I started sleeping right. Started going to bed early, getting up early. I started eating three balanced meals every day, working out every day. Gradually, Sarah and I developed a consistent routine.

Wake up at 5:21, take the dog out, feed the cats, let the dog in, work out (me)/take the dog for a walk (Sarah), eat breakfast, get ready for work, work, come home, make dinner (me)/take the dog for a walk (Sarah), eat dinner, watch TV, eat dessert, play guitar/read/watch more TV, get ready for bed, read the Bible, go to sleep. Rinse. Repeat.

I am not exaggerating. This happens every day. Saturdays and Sundays we don't go to work, but everything else still happens in the same succession. There are only so many times I can write about this without tearing my hair out. And it's going to start falling out soon eventually, so I can't really do that right now.


Anonymous said...

But look how well you said that! Really, Max, if I were to blog about my life, I would have to lie to make it interesting reading! Your blog has been a real joy to read-- always interesting and a time to admire your thought processes and writing prowess. Write when you want to share a thought, tell a tale..and when you don't feel like it...don't write. We'll still love you! M&D

Anonymous said...

I always love every single thing you write, what you did, where you went, what you saw, what you thought about. I love when you get on a rant and I love when you are being silly. I love pictures and I love videos. I check for a blog from you before I look at anything else whenever I turn the computer on. I guess it's because I'm your gramma.

Anonymous said...

You may have to take up smoking and drinking so you have more stuff to blog...

P.S. I like your routine even if it is not exciting. Maybe, door to door evangelizing or Amway or gaming...