Thursday, March 24, 2011

thesis defended

My thesis defense went well yesterday. There weren't really any major hiccups. I do have to make a few changes before I can turn in my official final copy to the dean's office, but it isn't something that is going to be too monumental. I should be able to get it all finished in a week or so. Then I'll have to wait for a while to get all the official signatures, paperwork, etc. And then that will be pretty much it for Master's v.2.0. Graduation isn't until the first week of May, though, so nothing is officially official until then...


Randy et Jan said...

SO glad to hear it went well and that no one hiccuped! That must be a good feeling to have it behind you!! Proud of you, Jan

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust! Great job, Max!! Mom

Anonymous said...

BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The long and winding road just straightened out immeasurably....