Wednesday, December 08, 2010

granted v.2

Good news. I was notified yesterday that I ended up getting the other grant I applied for a while back. This one was for $500, but I'm going to split it with another researcher because I applied for it on behalf of both of us. I'm not going to use the money for anything fancy. It's just going into the bank to help cover some of the costs of the conference I went to this summer and the one that I'll be going to in January in San Antonio.

I think I must have been emboldened by the success. Not long after I got the notification, I applied to attend a special summer program that's sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It would really look great on my resume/CV. Even better, this year it's being held in Matt and Rebekah's stomping grounds. I don't know what my chances are to get in (and if history serves as a guide, I won't), but if things work out, Sarah and I will be coming to visit for two weeks in late July/early August. Hopefully you'll be home. If not, I have to stay in a dorm, and Sarah has to stay home. Or, alternatively, we have to break into your house.


Anonymous said...

That would be so cool if it worked out!!

Anonymous said...

Bring Barney.

Rebekah and Matthew

Anonymous said...

That would be VERY nice...pray everyone...