Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I can't believe it's already been a week since I last wrote. Time really flies when you're only working four hours a week. Last week's interview went as expected: not great; not terrible; typical interview. I'm still waiting on their decision, but they won't make it until all my supporting documentation (e.g., transcripts, letters of reference, etc.) has arrived. I don't really know when that will be (because I'm not the one sending that stuff), so things are still up in the air for an indefinite amount of time. It's something I've gotten used to, but it's not an overly-pleasant experience.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, while you wait! I am so glad you were born!! Haven't heard from Hannah, so you may be keeping your birthday to yourself :)
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I hate waiting too!! Jan

Anonymous said...

Those who wait upon the Lord will find strength (remember patience is a virtue)...