Thursday, May 14, 2009

I read an article the other day about the importance of giving good lectures, and at the time, I decided it would be important to evaluate myself to make sure I continue improving. As I taught today, I was doing my best to use different voice volumes and varying timbre, but I found myself thinking that some voice tricks just weren't going to do the job. I kept picturing myself doing something shocking like standing on my desk or eating some chalk.

Yes, let's incorporate that into the lecture about correlational methodology. The higher my elevation, the more the students will listen. The more chalk I eat, the more the students will have to pay attention to make sure I'm not insane. Definite positive correlations there.

Instead, I drew some graphs on the board and talked extensively about the importance of increasing our n so that we can be more certain that our rejection of the null hypothesis is based on non-chance factors. Maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

hahaha! You are a very good teacher and don't need to eat chalk, but if you do, make sure it's the candy variety!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I give you permission to use my Renee voice! Jan

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you are NOT a risk taker. It's your MOTHER'S influence, now your Father on the other hand, would stick the chalk up his nose and blow it out (assuredly in the direction of the nearest student...

Hannah said...

you deleted the give money to your brother thing. now i KNOW it was never a fact...