Monday, December 08, 2008

Somehow, this is shaping up to be the easiest end of the semester I've had since I started college. Normally, there are multiple final exams to study for, papers to write, and presentations to make. There's usually so much work that I feel stressed for at least two weeks and still end up staying up all night at least once to ensure that I get everything done. Not so this semester. I feel like I'm already on vacation.

Even though I'd like to take credit for myself here, I'm pretty sure I haven't had much to do with it. It's true that I've been super diligent about getting things done early; however, the reality is that I only have two finals, and they don't require any studying because they're 'open book.' I do have one final paper, but it required so little research and so much of my own opinion that I finished it yesterday with so much time to spare that I was able to go and play basketball for a few hours.


Anonymous said...

Yea!!! Careful there, you might enjoy it so much you lose your motivation to be a perfectionist:0


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Max! I am very happy for you...

Anonymous said...

This gives you more time to shop for your mother-in-law!

Anonymous said...

It will also give you more time to work on your "A-game" that you'll need to play hoops with and/or against your father-in-law at Christmas!