Saturday, May 06, 2006

Yesterday, I played golf for the first time since moving to California. Six hours and a moderate sunburn later, my round was over. Six hours!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! On a weekday!?!?!?!?!?! What is that about!?!?!?!?!?!?! In my defense, the sunburn wasn't my fault, I was out there twice as long as I should have been; I got to the golf course around 8AM and figured on a quick round (it was early on a weekday morning, after all). I was quite wrong. Ah, California.

Today is Saturday, and, as per her usual modus operendi, Sarah is on her way to do some shopping. As per my usual, I'm on my way to avoid going shopping. I have to nurse my sunburn anyway. Ah, weekends.


Anonymous said...

So were you satisfied with your game? How was your putting? What was your longest drive? How much did it cost? How do California courses compare to Michigan? Did you walk? Were there any earthquakes? Did you talk to God?

Hannah said...

I don't understand why your golf took so long? hmm I think I should understand...but I still don't. Is that your first sunburn in cali too????!! Ah California where skin cancer is our friend.