Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yesterday, I wrote that I was bored (on another blog, which shall remain nameless; unless you want to visit it, then just click the link at left). Sarah came home after 10 hours at school (at least three of which were meetings), and, in response to my statement, said she wanted a divorce. Then she attempted to murder me. Then she did murder me. In everything, the lesson I’ve learned is this, “Never share your feelings. Ever.” That said, I’m bored.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I have had the exact same experience. I too, was murdered by my spouse. I came home from work and my spouse and I had the identical conversation,
and a murder took place. Further irony...ironically, I too work as a school teacher. However, the stay-at-home spouse murdered...ME. What school system do you think was better?

Max said...

It seems that this is actually a common theme in marriage...