Thursday, November 24, 2005

On this day of thanks, I find myself wondering: just who is everyone thanking? I’m quite sure that I’m thanking God, the provider of all things good (family, shelter, food, friends, etc.). But for those out there who don’t believe in God, don’t have reverence for God, don’t worship God, don’t believe that God is God, etc., I’m again left wondering: to whom are they thankful? Perhaps they’re thanking their lucky stars. Or the heavens above. Oooh, I know, thank the universe. And the turkeys. And each other; be sure to thank each other: without us, none of our greatness would be possible. Thank goodness for us. Yes, thank goodness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know who these folks thank. They thank the same god they thank during the cHRISTmAS season. The message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are parishing