Monday, September 05, 2011

I'm hoping it'll be something in between

In honor of Labor Day, I'm not planning on doing any labor. Not if I can help it. Sarah and I both seem to be getting sick. I suspect she brought something home with her from school, but I can't prove it. Yet. Since I've last written, I haven't had a whole lot going on. I'm just getting back to the swing of things at school, a task that's going to be made difficult because typhoid Sarah keeps bringing back microbes that will eventually kill us both. Best case scenario my headache and sore throat turn into the plague and we both have to be euthanized. Worst case scenario we start a zombie apocalypse. I'm hoping it will be something in between.


Anonymous said...

HOOwee, cant' wait to hear what happens to you guys. I will read your blog faithfully for the next few days...

Anonymous said...

Max, sorry to hear you and Sarah are not feeling well. I have been sick twice in the past month myself--last time with a neck/headache, jiggly legs and sore eyes?? Weird stuff going around! Sorry I missed your call Sunday--I was out grocery shopping. We watched a video for an hour and a half of you and Hannah playing in the yard on Flint River Rd. you were six and she was one--we were transported back in time! You were such a nice, cute boy and a very loving brother and son--still are for that matter! Hope you guys get better soon! Love, Mom

Randy et Jan said...

Get well QUICK!! And no kissing the dog or cats. Somebody should stay healthy in your house! Jan

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing at your description of "Typhoid Sarah!" In any case, it's better than "Typhoon Sarah!"
