Tuesday, May 03, 2011

birthdays are the worst

Somehow Sarah's birthDAY became an extended three-day-birthWEEKEND extravaganza. We went out for breakfast. We went to the zoo. We went out for ice cream. Twice. And that was just this morning. I also made homemade pizza, cake, buttercream frosting, and chocolate-and-sprinkle-covered cake balls. I had to widen the doorframe just so we could go to the store to get more food.

All this just reminds me that my birthday is coming up soon. Traditionally, what I do to celebrate is to get in a bad mood for approximately a week. It starts by chastising myself about poor career decisions and contemplating my mis-spent youth. It transisitions to fretting about my mortality, and telling Sarah that I don't want to do anything for my birthday. It ends when I realize that it's too late to actually do something, at which point I spend the rest of the day lamenting about how we didn't do anything to celebrate and vowing to do something fun the next year. Rinse and repeat.

I think the real problem is that I go into some sort of sugar-induced funk after coming down from the 'high' of Sarah's eatingfest...I mean...birthday...I mean birthmonth.


Anonymous said...

Wow partner you said a mouthful, get it, mouthful. Eating ruined my sentences. Why do I need to explain my wit, misspent youth possibly. More likely birth order...three cheers for the greatest guy I know...YOU. Hugs and kisses... P.S. Blog on

Anonymous said...

Write or perish...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, ya can't blame it on Sarah! I recall a birthday funk even before she came on the scene...you are a contemplative fellow, none of that mindless folly for you! I say, give it a try, especially since this is a "special" year--oh 29, let the hindsight begin! :) M