Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I think my bowling ball just meowed

Since I last posted, we drove to Michigan and back. We were in the car for 41 hours. We listened to a lot of NPR podcasts. This American Life is my new favorite program. Check it out. Thanksgiving break was fun, but the time went way too fast. I tried to avoid everything in my normal routine: No working out, no getting up at 5:30 and going to bed at 8:30, no incessantly checking my email, and no reading or working of any kind. I'm not sure what I did exactly. I think there was a lot of sitting on the couch and staring at the wall. I need a hobby.

These next few weeks should be, fortunately, a slowish wind-down to the end of the semester. I have a paper revision to do, some data to collect, and a take-home final exam to write. I hope that I'm not underestimating things, but I think it shouldn't be too bad. I'm even taking a break right now to do this. If things go really well, I might even have time to build a cat tree so our now-enormous cats can get some exercise. They always gorge themselves with food while we're gone, but this time they became particularly HUGE. Picking them up is like picking up squirmy, fur-covered bowling balls. And not in a good way.


Anonymous said...

When I read your title I assumed it would be about your bowling exploits while on vacation...

Anonymous said...

We loved having our veggie-kids home for the holiday! Don't forget to cover your cat tree in carpet--from what I have seen, they like digging their nails in it and gives them leverage for climbing. Have fun! Mom

Randy et Jan said...

I need a cat tree. Too much holiday! Jan

Anonymous said...

We learned today that Madame Hell-Cadé, who has been taking care of our cats while we were away, has been feeding Tiger "tuna snacks." He's now a tad robust like your three! This, after Jan specially rationed out Tiger's food in plastic bags for her, AND, again insisted that she not exceed the daily food quantity limit. Cats always figure out a way to eat. Jabron