Friday, July 09, 2010

think about the possibilities

Two things of note happened today. First, the federal government finally deposited our tax refund and housing credit into our bank account. And it was only 5 months after I filed our taxes--good work people! Group hug!! Second, I paid off yet another student loan, which brings the grand total of education-related expenses for my and Sarah's educations to... drumroll please... approximately the cost of a lower-end luxury car! Just think, if we would have gone through 1-year technical training programs, we could be commuting to work together in a BRAND NEW (used) Acura (or similar). Oh well. Next time we'll know.

In all seriousness, I'm hoping that this will be the last one, and I'm glad to have paid them all off. On a side note, if anyone happens to have $86,000 lying around, I'd love to pay off the remaining balance on our mortgage. Or maybe buy a Land Rover.


Anonymous said...

or luxury items for your mother-in-law!

Anonymous said...

Good thing education is as valuable as it is expensive! Congratulations on paying that student loan! Wish I had an extra $86G to pass on...Love you, mom

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Calvin parent orientation (indoctrination?)and how they showed parents that one year's tuition = one town and country minivan...