Monday, July 26, 2010

not playing nice

I keep up with the news in the towns we've moved away from. I guess I'm a busybody. Anyway, yesterday I read a story about how someone was robbed at gunpoint in the evening at a park that Sarah and I regularly took walks through in the evening. Comforting, I know. The victim, fortunately, was able to trick the bad guys into thinking he was an undercover cop, and they ran away. Ypsilanti is not known for a well-educated populace. Today I read a more tragic story about a 20-year-old kid that was shot at the local K-Mart just a few miles down the street.

I'm glad we live in a quiet neighborhood now.


Anonymous said...

We will keep the pit bull until you come home...

Anonymous said...

Some people don't seem to value human life! So