Sunday, May 09, 2010

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, tar balls thought to be from the BP oil 'spill' are now washing up on the shores of one of my favorite places. I say 'spill' because when you slosh a little milk out of a glass, you say that you've spilled milk. You really shouldn't use the same word for when you've 'spilled' more than 1,000,000 gallons of milk every day for 15 days.

I'd like to blame someone, but we probably wouldn't need offshore oil drilling if I (and everyone else) didn't use oil and its byproducts to (a) make everything we use and own (plastic is made from oil) and (b) power all of those things (electricity comes from oil).

So I guess it's mostly our fault.


Anonymous said...

Yep. Your Uncle Mike said there is still oil on Alaskan shores where the Valdez spilled--if you dig a hole in the beach, it fills up with oily water. :( I think we are going to need that "new earth"...makes a lot of sense! Love you my almost 28 year old.

Anonymous said...

Horror movies really can come true...