Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I just got the unofficial word from my advisor that I just became a fully funded graduate student!!!

This means that my benefits package has been upgraded to a full tuition scholarship plus a year-round stipend. I don't know the full details about the amount of the stipend, but I do know that it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of more than double what I got while working twice as many hours per week for my master's.

Once again, God has provided more than we need. Thanks, Lord. Also, thanks to all of you for praying continually. Keep up the good work!

Also, you can come and visit your half of the loot anytime you wish. If you can find me and my bank way up here in the northwest corner of the Yukon Territory. Bring long underwear.


hannah said...

WOWOOWOWOOW! What a HUMONGOUS blessing!!! Praise the Lord Max, I am so proud of you and happy that your hard work is paying off. Now that we're all millionaires let's go on a real family vacation this summer? :) Congrats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Max, this is so wonderful. I can't tell you how much joy this brings. This morning I felt the joy of the Lord so strong. I felt so loved by our Savior and later during your mom and my prayer time I was so lifted up to His grace. We pray for you and the family and for all those we love every morning and God is so faithful. I hope all who read this find the same peace and contentment in Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are going to be one of those rich snobby grad students now, like they have at SMU? If so, can we have Barney? He prefers the "old Max!"


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you will turn into a rich snobby "SMU-type" grad student? If so, can we have Barney? He prefers the "old Max!"


Anonymous said...

Hey, how great is that??? Congratulations Max! So congratulations! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Cool Max. Now that you've impressed them all, let it leak out that you're not sure it's the right University for you, but if the price is right you might stick around.

Randy et Jan said...

Absolutely thrilled!!!! Jan

Anonymous said...

You deserve all the best!