Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have a super-busy week this week. Yesterday I worked for 14 straight hours; though, to be fair, I did take a break at one point to urinate (I think it was even in a bathroom--yep, right in someone's bath).

Anyway, I'm spending a lot of time collecting data from undergraduates, and it's always an interesting experience. Here are some of the conversations I've had with various people.

Me: Greeting the students: please wait to sign the sheet until you're finished and are about to leave.
Student: Signs in upon entering

Student: My computer froze.
Me: It says it will change automatically after one minute. Did you wait one minute?
Student: Yes. It's been like 3 minutes.
Me: I know it hasn't been one minute yet you impatient turd. Why don't you wait a little longer?
Computer: Changes

Me: Please be as quiet as possible, so as not to disturb other people.
Student: Continues 'whispering' at a volume I consider yelling.

Some lady: Comes into the computer lab and starts turning on various machines and moving chairs
Me: Smiling: Hi. I'm sorry, but I have this lab signed out, and I have a psychology study going on.
The lady: Growling: I manage this lab!
Me: Can you manage to get out and stop screwing up my study?

I love people. People are the best.

Update: 3:44 PM

Later she emailed to ask if I was really going to use the lab later, or if I had signed it out by mistake. About 30 second ago, I caught her spying on me and my students from an adjacent window. She left when she saw me see her.

Sometimes I can't believe how territorial people are down here.


Randy et Jan said...

At least she didn't "mark" her territory like some animals I know!!! Jan

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...may be universal