Friday, January 08, 2010

It's funny listening to the news reports about the weather here in the South. Today the high temperature is expected to be somewhere in the range of 28 degrees, and the windchill will go as low as -4. Granted, that's cold weather. The coldest, in fact, in about 15 years in this part of the South. But relatively speaking, it would be considered a heat wave in some parts of the country this time of year, e.g., where I've spent the majority of my life.

So it's starting to get a little annoying the the "latest on the Arctic Blast" is not only the top story on the news, it is the only story on the news. Yesterday, they had a reporter stationed at a nearby school bus yard who was reporting on how it was cold, but on how there was nothing wrong with the buses and that there didn't appear to be any ice in the parking lot.

Really? No ice? This is news now?


Randy et Jan said...

No news is good news, no?

Anonymous said...

haha! When the news people get fixated on something, they chew that bone long after the meat is gone!
Kind of like in Michigan when we have a week in the high 90's during summer and we freak out.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend before school starts!
Love, mom

hannah said...

LOL it's supposed to be 40 degrees in MI on Sunday...???