Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here was the feedback I got for the class that I wrote that paper for (note: this came in an email with no subject line and with no other information whatsoever--no hello, no goodbye, no nothing):

Social Cognition Course Grades

Hypotheses A

Presentations A

First Manuscript B

Second Manuscript B

Course Grade B

As you can see, the 100+ hours of work (and 36 additional pages) I put into the revision did not improve my grade. What you don't see is the fact that a "B" is lowest grade you can get in my program and still pass. It is also the lowest grade I have ever gotten in any subject at any level.

This from the same professor who is the graduate program adviser. From the same professor who made me re-take Stats I (despite having taken Stats I and II previously) and will make me re-take Stats II. From the same professor who made us come to class when the university was closed for fall break and all classes were canceled. From the same professor who assigns a paper--every year--that ruins Thanksgiving break. From the same professor who runs a 2.5 hour meeting every week that could easily be finished in 50 minutes. From the same professor from whom I have to take three more classes in the next three years.

I'm not surprised by my grade, but my current question is this: can I put up with this guy for 4.5 more years, or should I quit and get a job?


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Every party has a pooper and this guy is it. I once heard a talk in which a man with debilitating cancer said he allowed the cancer to be his "pastor"...maybe this prof can be your I mean pastor! You can deal with this challenge, Max as you have many others! And in the end, the education you gain is what's ultimately important as opposed to the grade, since there is no allowance for profs who are a bit off. As they say in Flint, "You just got to ro' wid it." Hang in there and achieve your dream! Love, mom

Hannah said...

oH NOOOOOOO. That definitely doesn't make you feel less frustrated from spending so much time on that paper :( Well at least I won't judge you and give you a final grade over break. We shall talk more of this when you get home.

hannah said...

hahahha ps. mom, i love the flint quote. priceless :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like the professor from hell. Its too bad you have to deal with that. Perhaps you can do a study on this professor. Something like Academic Sadism and Schadenfreude: a case study. At least you know not to take a grade too seriously with such people.

Anonymous said...

So, I have questions questions. Would you have gotten the same grade with much less work? Will you learn from this in how, NOT to be when you are a prof and human being in general? Have you had a sit down with said prof to air your frustrations and ability to understand where he comes from in matters educational? Is there a dean or university president above said professor that you can speak confidentially about this unreasonable fellow...

Randy et Jan said...

It's been my experience that there will always be somebody unreasonable and unfair in our lives.

The good news? It makes us appreciate the MANY other people who are a blessing in our lives! In my misery, I camp on those folks.

So hang in there, Max. I, like the many others, consider it a privilege to know and encourage someone as gifted as you.

Endure on. Fight on.

Love from one of your many fans, Jabron