Friday, November 13, 2009

There was another likely heart attack on the train this morning. It was in another train car, so I didn't really see what happened, but there was one major difference: on three different occasions, the conductor announced over the intercom that there was a medical emergency, and he asked if there was a doctor or nurse on board. This call for help could have been because the staff on the train was better prepared after the last time, but I also couldn't help but wonder if it was because this person was White and affluent (I saw him when they wheeled him off the train), whereas the last one was Black and homeless (who was forced--literally--to walk off the train). According to the conductor, the White guy didn't even want medical attention. The Black guy couldn't even move and could barely speak.

On the bus today, the bus driver almost rear-ended a car in front of us. The bus driver's response: "I need a drink." Later the driver announced to the bus that her sister just had twins. From an adult female in the back of the bus, "Ain't her butt hurt?!" I had to try and stifle my laughter because I was sitting next to one of my professors. Good times on public transit.


Randy et Jan said...

Good times indeed! You could write a sitcom!!! Lots of material! Jan

Anonymous said...

haha! (Ain't her butt hurt?")
But regarding the glaring difference in treatment of heart attack victims...sadly, I have seen the homeless treated sooo rudely, usually not by the public, but by staff who are supposed to serve, but do not have training in dealing with mental problems! I'm sure you will have lots of train tales. I miss you! You called tonight and I couldn't answer my phone because I was working on my laptop and was in the middle of a complex situation I had to finish--sorry sweetie!