Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I played basketball at the rec center today with some guys who mostly spoke Spanish. Basketball is basketball, but I did notice something peculiar: the guys kept saying things to each other like, "tiene tu novio" and "ven a tu novio." I understood the phrases to mean, "have your boyfriend," and "see your boyfriend." I got the idea (i.e., guard your man, see your man), but I guess I never really understood how much of a Romance language Spanish actually is--even in basketball, there is abundant, unavoidable, systemic man love.

Also, here's my take on the orange scent experiment: the scent of oranges, or any food for that matter, signals something very important to our brains--namely, it signals that important resources are nearby and are probably accessible and abundant, and if our brains believe there is a safe supply of resources, then there's a lot less pressure to have to hoard other resources, such as money that belongs to someone else.


Anonymous said...

OR..you had inadvertently stumbled upon the gay men's basketball games and they really WERE each other's boyfriends? Huh, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I commented on the orange blog about basketball and today you WROTE about basketball and the Romance languages. I know the language is derived from Latin and the Romans and I am a man that PLAYS basketball...could there be some sort of connection? Do I secretly crave boyfriends, gladitorial fights, basketball, and oranges...

Anonymous said...

P.S. I think the picture of the sliced orange was pretty...

Randy et Jan said...

I have found that Hispanic players are less selfish. Was that true for you? Jabron