Friday, April 03, 2009

The seminary just emailed me their decision about scholarships for next year. Unfortunately, it turned out much like I feared and not much like I'd hoped: they offered me $2,500 for next year. I'm not at all afraid that we won't have enough money or be taken care of financially, but I'm very saddened that, once again, my hard work has been invalidated. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take before I start yelling at someone.


Anonymous said...

I am very saddened too Max, because I know this was important to you! Don't give up being who you are, even though you do not see any reward. As you already know, sometimes the rewards of our labors are not readily evident. There is much to be gained from our time on the potter's wheel, son. Do not become weary of doing well, for when the right time has come, you will get something very good for you. You are an unusually bright and hardworking individual. No on can take that from you, so keep taking your thoughts captive and focus on heavenly things! That's your true and hightest calling.
Love you! Mom

hannah said...

I love you and appreciate your intelligence and hard work Max :) Calvin is stupid.