Friday, November 07, 2008

In my class on Wednesday, I passed back some assignments I'd graded, and then I fielded some questions from a student about her grade.

Student: Why did I get marked down right here? (pointing to a clearly wrong answer with the correct answer written beside it in my handwriting with a different color pen)
Me: Umm ... because your answer was wrong.
Student: But that girl got it right. (pointing to no one, as everyone else had gone home by then)
Me: She had this exact answer? (pointing to the answer that she'd written and I'd crossed off)
Student: No. She had this. (pointing the correct answer, written in my handwriting in a different color pen beside her answer, which was was crossed off)
Me: Umm ... I wrote that.
Student: Oh ... Well, then why did I get this one wrong? (pointing to the next question, where I'd again crossed off her answer and written the correct one beside it)

Not everyone should go to college.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!! She thought she could get credit for YOUR answer! Maybe she was just looking for an excuse to engage you in conversation! She DOES realize you're married? Your Mother-in-Law

Anonymous said...

I think the short-bus bus driver made a wrong turn that day.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was trying to psych you out.
Love, Mom

Rebekah said...

Oh my goodness!! That same scenario happened to me with a freshman!! I can't believe she made it to college...