Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been a busy week. There are probably some real things I could post about (happy birthday grandma!), but this morning I'm unfortunately left with only two choices. I can either write some witty post about the religious groups who have recently been invading campus and screaming at everyone who walks by about how everybody is going to go to Hell, OR I can maintain my basic hygiene and take a shower and shave for the first time in three days.

Stupid social norms.


Anonymous said...

So, with this culture in mind, how many students at Eastern, in their current hedonistic state, if there were no intervention or change of heart, ARE going to hell?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people don't hear so well...

Anonymous said...

I say, keep your beard and you can lead one of those religious groups!! Jan

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about the next 3 days. Basketball? Jabron.

Anonymous said...

I don't think hell has that many hotel rooms. It is a small town in the mitten area. Right mom !!