I came across a spectacular example of this today while searching for the definition of "weenie" online (for reasons that aren't necessary to discuss at this juncture). Apparently, Wikipedia's definition has a lot to do with a certain Republican presidential hopeful. It's possible that you can see what I'm talking about by clicking here (as of 4:10 PM on 1/18/08, the link has been fixed, so I took it down [because it now takes you to a page titled "Penis"--am I allowed to say that on the Internet?]), but, by the time you read this, the page will likely have been edited back to the original entry for weenie. So, I included a "screenshot", below (the marks in red are mine, click on the picture to enlarge it).
Question: which parts?
Fact: certainly not any that are visible in that picture.
But I'm sure he's a nice man. After all, we shouldn't judge books by their surgically restored covers.
Double zing.
Kids say the darnest things...I'm glad your my kid!
I don't ever want to hear that word again young man!
Is that slander?
60 and proud of it; and you sir, are a weenie as well!!!
I will forgive you if you vote for me in November.
Most Mormans age well because of the life-style choices we make.
Hey, I'm all for covering the gray!! Jan
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