When I was 17, my high school sent me to Michigan State for a leadership week called Boys' State. It's a nationwide program that's been around since the 1930s. Apparently, at the time, confidence in democracy was waning, and the American Legion decided it needed a way to boost morale and get new recruits for the cause of freedom: Boys' State was born. [When the Nazi's did this, it was called propaganda (among other things), but whatever.]
The premise is this: get a group of 1000 gifted (and, looking back, incredibly nerdy and uptight) teenagers together and have them create their own nation. They elect officials, pass laws, pretend to be real politicians, etc. etc. Like I said, propaganda.
Anywho, some heavy hitters have attended Boys' State (Bill Clinton, JFK, Neil Armstrong, my dad, etc.), and a lot of guys take it really seriously (something about wanting to get into good colleges, whatever). Most people wore suits and ties all week and didn't take kindly to any fooling around. I found this picture on the internet (click it for an enlargement) while I was procrastinating.

I'm pretty sure my expression says, "I know what you're doing, and I reject your propaganda." It was this during this week that I began a campaign of not combing my hair that lasted for TWO YEARS. Everyone was being so serious (and I'd forgotten a comb anyway) that I just revolted. True story. Notice I was still elected to the house of representatives and the transportation committee. I think it's obvious who the real leader was.
P.S. Be sure to see my Pat Robertson rant (written earlier tonight), below.
Are you a hippie pinko yet...
I'm pretty sure you just called me a communist.
P.S. I had to look that up on Wikipedia. But now that I know what it means, it makes sense.
And maybe.
I never knew there was an actual reason you quit combing your hair back then. Anyway you were the absolute cutest.
P.S. You gave me an idea to look up a word I have been wondering about in the Wikipdia dictionary. I now know that zing is used to acknowledge a witty comeback.
And, you're still wearing that same shirt. You are truly a "conservative."
Sadly, that shirt was recently retired due to several large holes and extreme discoloration (went from dark blue stripes in 1997 to light YELLOW stripes in 2007).
good job max. i like rebellion in that form.
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