Monday, May 28, 2007

Sarah and I are just taking it easy this weekend. (I used the present progressive there because, though it's late Sunday night, the weekend still rolls through Monday this week--buy a calendar). Today she convinced me to go and see a movie in the theater (it was a real splurge, but we rationalized it by buying discounted tickets from Costco). We ended up seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 3, along with 1500 other people. Even though we waited in a ridiculous line for 30 minutes (and another 30 in the theater, as it started quite late) surrounded by obnoxious, eye-patch-wearing teens who were dueling to the death with blow-up swords, we weren't disappointed by the movie (not to say that we were completely appointed either--see what I did there? disappointed/appointed? genius). A word of caution: it was very violent and contained several scenes that shouldn't be seen by children under the age of 30. Not unless you want them dreaming about hangings, killer crabs, and alcoholism.

In my omniscient opinion, the first installment of the series focused on Captain Jack Sparrow; the later installments focused equally on several characters (including Jack). For this reason (i.e., the incredible character created by Johnny Depp), the original movie remains the most entertaining of the three. The end.


Anonymous said...

Oh. We watched Barnyard. Nothing objectionable there; unless you take exception to male cows who have prominent UDDERS. Your farmer dad did take exception. He couldn't get over it. He put patches over BOTH his eyes.

Anonymous said...

Was it rated AAAAARRRR?

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed it too, especially Johnny Depp's heavy eye make-up! Jan

Anonymous said...

Speaking of violence...I have been reading the Autobiography of Henry the VIII. Those were violent times. If you were a religious heretic or found treasonist for example you received this execution by the good king hung, disemboweled, drawn and quartered (pulled apart 4 ways by horses or machine), beheaded (head boiled in oil), head hung on London bridge for extended period of time.