Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tonight I had the rare opportunity to watch the Pistons play (only on TV, not in person; the latter would be significantly more difficult from Orange County). Not that I have anything against the Lakers, but it was fun watching the Pistons systematically destroy them. Speaking of which, I think someone owes me some cash; you know who you are...

Tomorrow (Friday), I've got an appointment with an orthopedist. Hopefully it won't take much to convince him to slice into my shoulder--I would assume he gets paid whether the surgery was necessary or not...

Did you hear about the Malaysian woman who got on the wrong bus and ended up 1200 miles from her home? She only spoke a regional dialect, and once she got so far away, no one could understand her. She spent 25 years in Thailand and never communicated that she was lost (she was a beggar and homeless the entire time). At 76, she eventually ran into someone who spoke her language and has been reunited with her family (they were told by police that she'd been killed in a traffic accident). Yeah, I didn't hear about that either.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the Lakers helped encourage those "Bad Boys from Detroit." So, I'll gladly pay now. Your Pistons will pay later in the playoffs.


Anonymous said...

Whew...sometimes I feel like I am lost and can't get home. (John 14)