Thursday, April 27, 2006

The weatherman was wrong again today. This isn't anything out of the ordinary, and I tire of it. It's not just him either; it's all of them. Their extended forcasts are particularly terrible. Monday: it's going to rain on Saturday. Tuesday: it's going to be 75 and sunny on Saturday. Wednesday: it's going to be 70 with afternoon rain and a slight chance of a hurricane on Saturday. Saturday: it's 65 and partly cloudy. It's been 65 and partly cloudy every day for a month! HOW HARD IS THAT TO PREDICT!


Anonymous said...

Whether to talk about the weather is a volitle issue. I think anyone living outside of Michigan should think twice about complaining, unless the complaint is about the incompetence of procrastinators pontificating forecasts that show their inaptitude. Was that last one a word?

Max said...

Close. I think it's ineptitude.