Thursday, January 12, 2006

Today I will post some more pictures from Europe. Once again, please feel free to make up your own stories (you know, because a picture is worth 1000 words, I've already written 5000, so I'm tired...).

Above: Compared with its American cousin, the European pizza is very thin and has stronger cheese, resulting in a completely different taste (one that I like). In addition, the European pizza isn’t nearly as filling: I easily ate the one on the bottom by myself.

Below is Basel, Switzerland. I posted a similar picture yesterday, but some peoples’ heads were in the way.

Above is another cathedral in Dijon. This one, as you might have guessed, was actually made completely from mustard and its derivatives (much like its American counterpart, South Dakota’s “Corn Palace"). Below is a closer view of some of the cathedral’s exterior. Incidentally, the gargoyles are eating ketchup.

Below is a street in Kandern; note how close the buildings are to the street (building codes are quite different in Europe than in the US.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures...I want to go across the big pond some day before I go across to the other side. Was that wine I saw in picture one? Was it dejohn? Get it, a play on the mustard joke and the airport joke all rolled into one...

Max said...

Mineral water, which, tastes like butt (as I would guess does wine)...

You would love it there: so rich with history...