Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Someone pointed out that I didn't include her pictures on the blog. Someone should remember not to tell me what to do. (Sorry Peter, her belligerence places you in a slightly unsightly light as well: I believe "collateral damage" is the technical term. Next time, do try and sit somewhere else.)

For the record, I view this last picture as my Treaty of Versailles (me being Germany, you-guessed-it being France, and Peter being Poland); you history teachers out there will undoubtedly infer my meaning. For the rest of you, just know that Versailles was Germany's way of apologizing for the trouble of World War One, while, all the time, they were actually preparing for a little thing that I like to call World War Two. This means you, Rebekah: don't test me. Yeah, and I realize that Germany lost WWII: analogies aren't perfect; just know that France got tagged both times... As I said, don't test me: next time, there might not be a semi-flattering apology picture.


Max said...


Anonymous said...

Huge comment...is that Peter guy retro or what, he looks like one of the British invasion bands of the early 60's. I just wanta hold his hand and screammmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Max said...

No comments about Poland.