Wednesday, November 03, 2010

we're all winners

There are a few great equalizers in society. Take pizza, for example. For just a few dollars, anyone in America can buy a piece of pizza that tastes incredible. And no matter how much more you spend, pizza just really can't get any better. So no matter who you are, from Bill Gates to Joe Six-Pack, you get to enjoy the same pleasure. No amount of money or power can change that.

Which brings me to the World Series. A commentator was interviewing Aubrey Huff, who played 11 seasons (over 1500 games) without ever having any success in the playoffs.

Commentator: So, after that long road, how does it feel to finally win the World Series?
Huff: It's the greatest feeling in the world... Except, of course, for when I had my two kids.

Nevermind the slight to his wife (wedding day? anyone? anyone? she's probably not that mad; he is a millionaire, after all). The point is that winning the World Series ranked second to having kids. Millions of people do that every year by mistake. Not many people will ever win the World Series.

And to answer your question, no. This is not my way of announcing that Sarah and I are about to "win the World Series." In fact, if your desire for grandkids/nieces/nephews is really getting you down, I suggest you go have a slice of pizza to tide you over.


Anonymous said...

haha..I can relate to his comment. For me and I dare say your dad, having kids (not the birth itself, Mr-almost-11-pounder)was somehow a more sentinel event, more defining, than even getting married! Though I love your dad DEARLY and you children were all the more fun because your dad and I shared the experience! Something almost magical about kidlets...but then, I have never won the world series or much of anything else. I have eaten my share of pizaa :)mom

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you secretly went to the world series without telling anyone...

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure pizza will tide me over! But it'll be fun tasting how the Italians make it this December with you guys!!