Tuesday, June 01, 2010

r is for reject

Remember how I mentioned last week about how I was submitting research to a prestigious journal? I believe I had this to say,
Naturally, I'm confident that we'll be rejected immediately (they reject 85% of their submissions, the vast majority of which are from some the of the best researchers in the world), but the good news is that when we are, we can just re-submit to a less prestigious journal.
I shouldn't have been surprised, then, when the paper got stamped with a big red "REJECT" a week after we submitted it. (At least, that's how I imagine it happened. They notified us through email). Surprised? No. Disappointed? Sadly, yes. Apparently our results were "too specific to appeal to psychologists across disciplines." Oh well. Revise and submit elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Gotta watch those too-specific results!! Jan

Anonymous said...

And, "r is for rats" too! I imagine it will be pretty difficult to get the hang of exactly what the academics find appealing...you'll get it, I have confidence! Mom

Anonymous said...

Do you think the rejection was a little too specific or not specific enough...

Anonymous said...

I was rejected BIG until I met Jan. Thank you LORD for those "rejections!" Jabron.