Thursday, May 27, 2010

who doesn't love mud?

Our St. Augustine grass has a fungus called Take All Root Rot, which destroys the root systems of the grass, eventually killing it entirely. It doesn't sound good, and it isn't, but it is actually a pretty common ailment in area yards.The neighbors, from what I hear, are combating it with fertilizer, but I read a few things online that said fertilizer actually makes it worse. I'm guessing that the previous owner of our place fertilized heavily, so I'm using peat moss to lower the soil's pH. I'm not entirely sure what the means, but the stuff I read said it was a good idea.

I don't mind dead grass so much in the short term. You won't find me complaining about having less yard to mow. But I am afraid it might be harder to re-sell the house in a few years if we don't have any grass in the yard. I can see the advertisement now.

For sale: Small house in established neighborhood. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms. Kids will love making mud pies in the barren yard, just add water.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Barney is biting it too much! It has died of fright...:) I just put peat moss in with my new blueberry bushes. Planted nine total; that should keep us in berries through a good part of future summers....mmm! Love, Mom

Randy et Jan said...

I say dig it all up and put in a pool!! Jan