Tuesday, May 18, 2010

double gross

When he isn't feeling well, the dog occasionally makes a mistake and uses the bathroom (#2) in the house. He also sometimes barfs in the house, but we typically have time to run and usher him outside because he always warns us with about 15 seconds of heaving and weird gurgling sounds.

Today, he started heaving, and I quickly got up to throw him out. About 1 millisecond after I got up, he barfed on the only rug in the house. I put him outside in case there was any more, and I went to get the cleaning supplies. It was when I returned to the barf that I noticed it looked and (especially) smelled suspiciously like poop. I was forced to inspect it as I removed it from the rug, and as it turns out, it was poop. You read that correctly, the dog barfed up his own poop.

I may not be able to make the black bean burgers that I had been planning for dinner. Too soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh Barney...he may have set a new record for gross! Mom

Anonymous said...


Randy et Jan said...

Unbelievable!!! Someone should teach that dog MANNERS!!! Jan

Anonymous said...

I have eaten meals that I would like to eat again and again. I understand Barney's thinking and lack of self-control...