Thursday, February 11, 2010

Update: four-day weekend! That's what I'm talking about!

And there's actually quite a bit of snow--I bet there's about 8 inches in the back yard. Nice, wet snow. It's been coming down all day, non-stop. Everyone is outside making snowmen--I even saw two kids using one of those big Rubbermaid containers to make blocks, with which they were building an igloo. Everything, and I mean everything, is shut down already for tomorrow because the weather people are saying that all the wet, slushy snow is going to freeze into a solid sheet of ice overnight. Since they don't use salt here, we're in for some ice.

But if we lose power, I'm going to be VERY displeased.

1 comment:

Randy et Jan said...

Love the snow, hate the ice!! Our snow continues here and I'm VERY thankful that the grocery stores, bank and P.O. are walking distance!! Enjoy your 4-day weekend! Jan