Monday, October 12, 2009

The other night I woke up in a panic thinking there was a tarantula on my face. Still 99% asleep, I slapped myself on the cheek and whipped my head around to try and fling it off. As I drifted back to sleep, I hoped that Sarah hadn't woken up by my silly, sleep/dream-induced behavior--not because I was worried I'd disturbed her sleep, but because I knew she'd laugh at me.

When I woke up a few hours later, I was still a little creeped out by the dream, but then I spotted the GIANT cockroach on the wall by the bed, and I felt a lot better about myself. The only question that remains is WHY THE HECK WAS HE ON MY FACE!?!?

At least it wasn't a tarantula.


Anonymous said...

OOH MY GOSH!! How disgusting!! But, yes, at LEAST it wasn't a time you will know to go with your suspicions, turn on the light and shout "I haave the poower!" (sorry I couldn't resist the call of that memory)What in the world could you hit that thing with that won't ruin your wall?
Love Mom

Randy et Jan said...


Rebekah said...

that is sick. SICK. i can't believe that. are there MORE???

Anonymous said...

Think that was funny???When you get one in the bed with you it will be hilarious as the two of you try to get out of bed at the same time, because you know its a spider this time.Notice I said when,not if. They can make a grown man scream. Oh by the way, they bite also.

Anonymous said...

We call them leaf roaches.They don't live in your house,only come in looking for food .If you have a lot of leaves in your yard try to get them out.Spectracide makes a good product to spray around the foundation.

Hannah said...

that is SUPER creepy. but yes very happy for you that it wasn't a spider.