Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sarah and I went to Washington D.C. this weekend to visit some friends. We had fun catching up, doing touristy stuff, and taking in the 'free' museums (our tax dollars at work).

The actual trip part, on the other hand, was really not fun. About 300 miles into the drive there, the car decided that it didn't want to go much farther, and it threw some sort of a temper-tantrum: every time we used an electrical device (e.g., blinkers, air conditioning, radio, windows, cruise control, windshield wipers, headlights, etc.), the car stalled.

Despite some harrowing moments (going through a tunnel when I couldn't stop the lights from coming on--stupid smart automatic lights), we did make it there, and all the way back home, safely. God is good.

Now I'm just waiting for a replacement car to show up on our doorstep. This one has messed with me for the last time.


Anonymous said...

Car trouble seems to coincide with road trips for some reason! We have had our share over the years too!
(Congratulations on that event you haven't written about quite yet!!)
love, mom

Anonymous said...

You guys handled the car situation well. We're impressed. Love, R&J