Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sarah told me this evening that her school is gearing up to ban certain foods for the upcoming year. A health advisory committee will be making decisions about foods that the students will no longer be allowed to consume on campus. Even if they're sent from home. Cake, cupcakes, and brownies were the first to hit the chopping block.

Sarah also tells me that the people on the health advisory committee are the school's PE teachers. Really? These are the people qualified to decide what we feed our children? The people who teach them how to play kickball and touch their toes? The people who took 4 years of EDUCATION courses in college? They undoubtedly love teaching and are highly qualified to TEACH, but the last time I checked, the minimum requirement for advising me on what to eat were the letters "M" and "D" bestowed by a medical school. Even then, I'm not so sure how I feel about that.

Furthermore, one question. Are we in some sort of Bizarro world? I was under the impression that this was America, not some sort totalitarian regime where agencies of the government regulate what foods we feed our children. My mistake.

Last time I checked, this wasn't Cuba or China or North Korea. This was the United States of America. And this isn't just about food. It's about the fact that all of us have been standing passively by as our freedoms are degraded in the name of health and safety. I'm not just talking about the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security.

It's true that trans fats are bad. Does this mean the government should be able to tell me that I can't eat them if I want to? In California and New York City, apparently so. But not getting enough sleep is bad. What are they doing about that? Are they going to tell me I can't drink caffeine or exercise before bed? Why not? What's the difference? High fructose corn syrup may have a link to diabetes. Are they going to outlaw Coke, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew? Why not? Over-consumption of red meat has a fairly strong relationship with heart disease and high cholesterol. Are they going to tell people they can't eat steak? Why not?

The bottom line is that the government can give us all the advice it wants, but when it starts telling us what to do, it's no longer a representation of "we the people," it's a regime of "them the rulers." Our borders are closing, our homes are being taken away, our economy is faltering, and our freedoms are eroding beneath us. Something is happening here, and I don't like it.

Call your congressman. Call the ACLU. Call the police. Most importantly, call your friends. This needs to be discussed. This needs to be stopped. This needs to be done together, and it needs to be done NOW. All six of you who are reading this have to do something. Do it. Now.


Sarah said...

You would think a fat, unhealthy person wrote this post, but you would be wrong! :)

Hey, I wonder if I should send this link to my principal? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Where and when is the first meeting and who is in charge?

Anonymous said...

Now what are we gonna do about the other "stuff" those darn kids (and teachers bring into schools...

Anonymous said...

I agree with the freedom issue, and I think the problem is that parents are not watching out for the health and safety of kids by providing nutritious lunches, and are allowing kids to be in charge of their own diets; the schools are awash with sugar and highly refined carbs which negatively impact student behavior and ability to learn. I think education is the solution to the problem, helping people understand the need for moderation. You would think the schools (EDUCATIONAL institutions) would have a clue! I called the police and they told me to eat a twinkie and call them back in 10 minutes if I still care.
:( Mom

Anonymous said...

Well, we know from experience that eating too many bagels can also be a problem.... Did you look into that? -Reb

Anonymous said...

I'm for outlawing Coke, Pepsi and Mountain Dew! Hah! Jan

Anonymous said...

You know, we still have the freedom to smoke and kill ourselves so we're not completely ruled! Jan