Friday, July 04, 2008

I thought that I should write something.
I thought and thought a lot.
I thought that I should write something.
So I will.

See what I did there? In other news, I've officially started my summer session of classes. I'm taking only 1 class this time around, but I'm also teaching a lab section of Intro Psych. I've taught a number of these sections (6) in previous terms, so there's nothing all that new about it--except for one important semantic distinction. The difference this time around is that the university has officially labeled me an "adjunct lecturer" for the next few months (I mentioned this possibility a while back) . It really doesn't mean anything (I'm doing the same job as when I am a graduate assistant during the regular school year), but it can now be officially installed as the centerpiece of my resume.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Professor adjunct! Jabron

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Jan

Anonymous said...

My son the adjunk professor. I am so proud of you. Scrap metal is at an all time high. You can make a lot of money this summer. I am so glad you found the work...