Wednesday, June 25, 2008

As you may have noticed, I've been feeling somewhat restless lately. I'm pretty sure that I'm just in the mood to get away from routine for a while, so Sarah and I are going to make a brief jaunt to a strange and far-away land. Some refer to this place as Canada; others call it the Icy North; a few people don't call it anything but wish it would stop touching us and give us a little personal space.

Whatever you call it, we're leaving for Montreal on Thursday morning and coming back on Saturday night (to Lapeer--this serves as your notice of our ETA for Hannah's birthday exgtravaganza Mom and Dad). It should be fun: they speak another language there (by provincial law, French is the official tongue), it's supposed to be a nice city, and the 10 hours of drive time (each way) should help cure my recent wanderlust.

Things to do before leaving: (a) take my psychopharmacology final, (b) mention to Sarah that, while she was sleeping, I unilaterally decided that we were going to take a trip to Montreal and booked two nights in a hotel there.

Partially kidding.


Anonymous said...

Cool! I always wanted to go to guys can be our advance scouts. Hope you have the BEST time!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me! Jan

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. Jabron

Anonymous said...

I wish that I in Canada.