Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Unfortunately, Sarah fell ill (as the kids say) today. Actually, I think it has been more like sliding down a muddy hill on a garbage bag toward ill, but who's keeping track? Turns out, I'm keeping track. Because, turns out, I'm not very good at empathizing. And Sarah's not very good at holding in her complaints/feelings about being ill.

"Yes, your glands do feel a little swollen, but you're probably not going to die. No, you don't feel a little warm; now go take out the trash. Chop chop." I really don't see why she had to yell.


Anonymous said...

Remember to treat your wife like Christ treated the Church...

Anonymous said...

Everything that goes around, comes around! Karma and all that! Watch your glands!!!! Jan

Anonymous said...

chop chop? You wouldn't say that to Sarah!Feed her chicken soup instead, rub her feet and say, "ah honey, you don't feel very good do you?" Then she will recover at top speed and you will be in good stead to be pampered when you come down with whatever she has!
FYI This messsage comes to you courtesy of my "new" laptop courtesy of work. Now thanks to broadband, we have high speed in the boondocks!
Love, Mom

Sarah said...

At least he was kind enough to do ALL the chores for me :)

Anonymous said...

As I was reading the quoted part I read all of it in my head with a sympathetic tone " take out the garbage" I got to chop chop and just laughed really hard...