Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tomorrow, we dance.

And by tomorrow, I mean today (see, I'm writing this yesterday--hello from the past). And by we, I mean a bunch of groups of people that neither you nor I actually know. And by dance, I mean play basketball.

What the heck is he talking about?

The collegiate basketball tournament that is often referred to as The Big Dance (or March Madness, if you prefer) kicks off tomorrow/today/Thursday. Me like.

Who is he kidding? That was a ridiculous excuse for a post.


Sarah said...

March Madness, I have it!

Anonymous said...

That's why they call it "madness." It's for the crazy, passionate ballers of North America! Jabron.

Anonymous said...

are the italicized parts supposed to be read with a Jim Gaffagin pronunciation?

Anonymous said...

Me like too...