Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sarah had all of the excitement for today. And not in a good way. In other news, I start pretending to be a therapist tomorrow. That should be interesting. I probably won't make any comments about it here, because I have to have actual confidentiality for my pretend client. Just pretend that you know what I'm pretending to talk about.

Also, Sarah and I have been thinking for a while about buying real estate (somewhere between her job and my school), but we've started thinking more about buying a condo and being yuppies for a little while. Here's the thing: we can afford about a $125,000 mortgage. With this, we could buy (a) a smallish, older house with some upkeep and minor repairs needed or (b) a new condo with all appliances included, some nice amenities (vaulted ceilings, fireplace, etc.) and someone to shovel the snow and mow the lawn. I honestly think there are benefits and drawbacks to each. Or, we might just stay here. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

What do the CATS prefer? Jan

Anonymous said...

No brainer...condo. See next comment for details.

Anonymous said...

You would never mow the lawn unless someone yelled at you...