Sunday, January 13, 2008

When I am a professor, I will NOT...
1. Assign too much reading because I think my students won't do it all anyway
2. Assign too much reading because I think my students only have reading for my class
3. Assign too much reading because I've lost touch with how much a human can possibly read in a given time period
4. Assign too much reading because I want my students to know everything about my field after taking a 3-4 credit class (even though I learned my field with 125 undergraduate credits, 95 graduate credits, and 20 years of experience)
5. Assign too much reading because I haven't considered what the core concepts are for my class
6. Assign too much reading because I like to read
7. Assign too much reading because I love the subject and I want my students to love it too
8. Assign too much reading because I want my students to be prepared for their jobs in the real world
Not that I'm accusing anyone specific about anything specifically. (But I'll probably assign too much reading because of numbers 3, 6, 7 and 8 as well--so I probably shouldn't be spouting...)


Anonymous said...

How much reading is "too much reading?" Jan

Anonymous said...

Already, the posting on your blog was too much reading! Jabron.

Anonymous said...

What a weenie...