Monday, January 28, 2008

Sarah and I watched "Are You Smarter Than A Moron" again last night. I thought that one answer, in particular, was worth repeating.

Q: "Budapest is the capital of which European country?"
A: "But I thought Europe was a country (pauses). Is France a country? (pauses). Well, I don't know if France is a country, but I guess I'll go with France."

In this person's defense, this question wasn't exactly fair. I remember learning the European capitals in the 7th grade, so perhaps the question was a little advanced. At the same time, I also remember learning that Europe was a continent, not a country, when I was 4, so maybe it's a wash.


Anonymous said...

I'm "hungary"....time for goulash! Jan

Anonymous said...

I SAW that episode!! So sad.