Monday, December 17, 2007

The snow fell on its own. Someone plowed the driveway, shoveled the walk, and plowed the road. Someone else fed the cats, cleaned the litterbox, and cleaned the bathroom. All these things got done without my intervention.

As it turns out, my papers are not written unless I directly intervene. It's 2:47 AM, and I'll be done with paper 2 at some point in the next few hours.

P.S. Update as of 6:51 AM: finished the paper; found out in snowed 10.5 inches here in town (apparently, our county got hit the hardest), with drifts over 2 feet; Sarah had another snow day (that makes three so far--incredible).


Sarah said...

Yay for snow days!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing events for you both! Dad

Anonymous said...

To think what Sarah has saved in time, money, natural resources, etc. She has started her own green movement...

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Jabron