Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm a Christian, so according to Seinfeld, I'm allowed to poke fun at my own (see: the conversion of dentist Tim Watley to Judiasm solely for the jokes). I also have a father, a father-in-law, and two uncles who are pastors. As if I needed more license to say a pastor joke, I myself have done some preaching. That said...

Have you ever noticed that pastors (none that I know...) tend to say certain words in certain ways? Or that they often artificially manipulate the volume and cadence of their voices, often inserting pauses in abnormal places? Here are two examples.

(1) "And God said... .... ... you shall have... ... ... POW...ERR!" (not really from the Bible, but I've heard it at church a lot, so it must be true).

(2) "For God so LOVED
the world (microphone noise) that he gave his only begotten son (microphone noise) that who...soever believes in him might have eternal... ... ... life (microphone noise)."

My question is, does this happen when it's Tuesday (as in, NOT Sunday morning)?

At the mechanic: "There's...some...thing... ... ... ...wrong with my POW-ERR steering. it (microphone noise)?

They're usually nice people though. No offense.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YOU are IN trouble YOUNG man...

Anonymous said...

WHERE is the BEEF?