Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sarah didn't snap any toothbrushes in half today, so I was going to jokingly suggest that she snapped a chair in half when she sat on it, but she'd probably get mad. She's skinny though. You can only joke like that when everyone knows you can't possibly be serious. Skinny.

P.S. She just said, and I'm quoting here, "I'm going to snap your neck in half if you're not careful." Be prepared for a summons: you may have to testify.


Hannah said...

I'm glad Sarah is getting tough with you! I will be in Los Angeles on the 5th of August, but you won't, so..I won't see you there...

Anonymous said...

Why you slap happy?

Anonymous said...

Testimony: "Yes, your honor. He did tease his wife unmercifully."

In unrelated news, (I have the Today show on in the background)did you hear about the wheelchair bound kid who was glued to the front of a semi for four miles?! Now he knows what billions of bugs have gone through.


Anonymous said...

If he has bugs in his teeth, Sarah could show him how to remove them with just a simple toothbrush.