Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm supposed to be asleep right now. I don't know what it is, I just don't enjoy the act of going to bed. According to my parents, I was born this way. So stop trying to change me. If I want to be awake when it's dark and asleep when it's light, that's your problem. Deal with it. *What's he talking about?*


Anonymous said...

Its in the (j)genes...wear pajamas...

Anonymous said...

When you're here in Aug. feel free to patrol our "grounds" in the middle of the night...chasing fox and deer and hedgehogs!!! Jan

Anonymous said...

You could...wait, you probably did! You sabotaged Sarah's toothbrush. That's it! You pre-cracked Sarah's toothbrush as she slept. You cruel, cruel man.